Monday, October 29, 2007

If it's free it must be good?

What do all the democratic presidential candidates, Mitt Romney, and Arnold Schwarzenegger have in common? Their belief in universal health insurence. Well if its free it must be good right?. Not exactly lets analyze this question using the method Bill Cliton would use.

What is the meaning of free? Well If free means we all see a dramatic increase in our taxes and huge layoffs in the health care industry than yes its free.

To look to see if its good or not look at the stats"Britain's Department of Health reported in 2006 that at any given time, nearly 900,000 Britons are waiting for admission to National Health Service hospitals, and shortages force the cancellation of more than 50,000 operations each year. In Sweden, the wait for heart surgery can be as long as 25 weeks, and the average wait for hip replacement surgery is more than a year. Many of these individuals suffer chronic pain, and judging by the numbers, some will probably die awaiting treatment. In a 2005 ruling of the Canadian Supreme Court, Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin wrote that 'access to a waiting list is not access to healthcare.'" (the cato institute) This is not the best way to help low income uninsured people. Another way would be to increase health savings accounts deregulate the insurence market and allowing for health insurence deductions


Anonymous said...

The public forum is incapacitated currently..

you said
"democratic presidential candidates, Mitt Romney, and Arnold Schwarzenegger"

I misread that right...

please, if you mean what is possible under our government system (which requires that you be born in the U.S among other things) change the "and" to "along with another non-candidate arnold..."

I'm not going to go too into this, but I would not use the analysis of Bill Clinton for much of anything.

Britain is also a weak example, because we are not too dissimilar from them (as is clear with our foreign policy towards them versus most other countries)

besides, as far as I can see you're comparing insurance to treatment...
if I'm wrong on that, which is always possible, please elaborate.

Its the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine said...

look at the actual sentence "What do all the democratic presidential candidates, Mitt Romney, and Arnold Schwarzenegger have in common?" I never said arnold was running for president. Nor did I say either of them was a democrat though they might as well be.

Calling it the Bill Cliton analysis was just a joke because he is famouse for asking the definition of sex.

And universal healthcare is about insurence. Any American can get treatment they all can't affored to pay for it though, universal health care could just as easily be named universal health insurence.

In addition Britain's system is very different from our own instead mirroring Canada's system similar to what is being proposed now.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hey there now...
let's keep it classy,
especially when we can look now
and see that they were nice enough to come forward and talk to El. C.
I like to think we all try our best to improve on our mistakes, and I think this person did.

We're all a little immature at least some of the time, I know that is a lot the case for me.

I need to look into the specific policies being proposed (In part because each candidate has a pretty unique system that goes by similar titles) And I will try to get back to you when I do find something credible,
also I thought this was kind of neat (you might not like it, but that is totally acceptable)

Celine_is_hawt said...


Unknown said... are you the one that posted the racist comments...or do you just enjoy saying "Gag me"...jw. b/c either way...i don't think veyr highly of you...and i don't give a crap if you know that or not. just stating.

and as far as saying "celine is hawt" nice spelling. very "gangster" if that is what you were going for....because as far as i can tell, that is what you were going for is it not??
(and in case you are too lacking in intelligence to understand that i was being sarcastic (you prolly are just some kid from midland, and therefore practically lack the ability to even be gangster) i was.)

and celine if you didn't post racist comments. Then i have no clue why you said "Gag me" do

Unknown said...

on the topic at hand.
national health care?
personally, i do not know all the statistics on this. All i can say is that i would possibly support national health care, if they cut down (like major cuts) on our welfare system.